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Interview: Marion – Videomaker – 25 years old


Dernière mise à jour : 14 mars 2021

- What is your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is bright green because this is a very vibrant colour that mixes green and yellow. This colour evokes calm, depth, the smell, flavours and sunlight of summer. Green is the colour of nature. It gives me the feeling of vulnerability, kindness and joy. Sometimes it reminds me of childhood.

- What is the colour that represents you the most and why?

The colour that represents me the most is red because I have a strong personality. I also feel angry very often and I can be very determined when I believe in my ideas. Red is a furious color, very dominant and as a bull in front of a red flag, it can be brutal but also passionate.

- For you, what is the colour of sadness/happiness/shame?

To me, the colour of sadness is purple because it is a mix between a dark nostalgic blue and a red without any light. This is the end of passion and the confusion of deep blue. It reminds me of dead roses and dark circles.

Orange is the colour of happiness because it is a very powerful and remarkable colour. Orange is so catchy and exciting. This is also the colour of sunset which is one of the best moments of the day. This is a very warm and soothing color. I love it.

Photo by Scapes by Jana on Unsplash

Shame is a strange yellow, very strident as the cord of a violin or a scream. As the sunlight, it can burn your eyes and make you feel uncomfortable.

I would also say that brown is the colour of serenity because it reminds me of wood, mud and forest.

- What does pink represent for you?

To me, pink represents queerness, eccentricity and creativity. It is the colour of femininity in popular imagination and so it can be kind of a « straitjacket » for women and about gender in general. So, to me, use it as a way of liberty, play with it and create from it is a form of rebellion. I particularly like fluo pink.

Pride Possibility Faith

- In your job, what is the place of colour ?

I am a videomaker, so colours are central for my work. In my job, you have to tell stories and colours are your best ally.

- Tell us a colourful memory

I remember in my childhood being in a wood in the south of France next to Avignon. I was 6 and I was playing with other children between the trees, climbing and running. We were in the summer and our clothes were very colourful. The sunlight in the top of the trees was making the leaves extremely green and vibrant and the ground was full of yellow flowers. The light and the colours were a perfect harmony this day.

- Do you grant a lot of importance to colours within your wardrobe?

I am a very fashion person, I love clothes and creativity. My wardrobe is one of the ways that I use to express my personality or my opinions and colours are a very great way to do that. Even my hair is colourful, as my make-up. I use a lot of orange, yellow and red.

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