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Interview: Garance - Lyon


What is your favorite colour?


Photo by Roksolana Zasiadko on Unsplash

What is the colour that represents you the most and why?

Red because I can be sweet and lovely but I am impulsive and get quickly angry.

To you, what is the colour of sadness/happiness/shame?

Sadness: grey

Happiness: yellow

Shame: beige

What does pink represent for you?

A pig

Princess Sun Sky

In your job, what is the place of colour?

It depends on the type of chemistry, but during my thesis I need to obtain a lot of colours.

Can you tell us a colorful memory?

When I am drawing or painting with my sister, we like to use a lot of colours.

Do you grant a lot of importance to colours within your wardrobe ?

Yes! It is important for making life toward our clothes.

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